Wednesday 11 May 2016


You are in an English pub. It is mid-week and mid-morning and the place is empty and dark, empty except for the barman, and an old man sitting at a table over by the window.

Your eyes rest on the man, he sits in profile with the bright arched window behind him giving his dark figure the look of a stained-glass effigy. But who is the effigy of? A knight of renown? A great hero? A patron saint? No. It’s none of these. It’s just a hopeless old soak finishing his second pint of the morning before heading off to the bookies. And yet, even knowing that, you still don't look away.

Tuesday 10 May 2016

Storyboard 1st draft

First of all, welcome to the blog; I hope you find it interesting!

As things stand I am currently focusing on producing a first draft of the storyboard for George which will outline the film's story in sketch form. I am producing the boards quickly so I can have a rough story which I can then chisel away at.

I hope to have this draft finished in the next couple of weeks– below are a few frames to give a feel of the film's atmosphere. I should say that I won't be putting any more storyboard images up as I don't want to give much away about the film's plot.